L'emploi a expiré !

L'offre d'emploi est expirée

Plus d'emplois en Egypte

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Coordinator - Accounting - French

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Senior Internal Auditor - French Speaker

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

ETIC, Project Manager (French Speaker)- Senior Associate

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Supply Chain Customer Service Assistant Analyst (French Speaker)

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Supply Chain Customer Service Senior Associate (French Speaker)

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

PowerStore Administrator- French

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Digital Insurance Project Manager - French Speaker (Fully Remote)

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Senior Business Analyst - Insurance, French Speaker (Fully Remote)

Control & Reporting Assistant Analyst (French Speaker) - Claims
Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Control & Reporting Assistant Analyst (French Speaker) - Claims

Date de publication 01.09.2024


You are in charge of analyzing, monitoring and resolving pricing disputes. You prepare the monthly closing elements by centralizing and codifying all the disputes in your customer portfolio.


  • Management of the dispute database:
  • Collect and complete information relating to customer disputes (deductions) in order to resolve them: analysis of debit notes, customer calls
  • Ensure the correct codification of disputes by types after analysis of the elements.
  • Communicate to Key Accounts all elements related to pricing problems.
  • Justify, prepare and communicate to IBM the list of corrective documents (assets-refac) to be issued.
  • Control documents issued by IBM.
  • Follow up on reimbursement and disputes in collaboration with CBS AR Team and KAM teams
  • Submit clearing requests for deductions and adjustments.
  • In general, contribute to the information and monitoring of dashboards on the evolution of disputes.
  • Summarize all disputes and highlight the reasons
  • Anticipate and escalate risks according to customer behavior (Reception of NDD / reasons / impacts).
  • Establish and control monthly closing data.
  • Knowledge of the pricing and customer database:
  • Acquire a level of expertise on the functioning of customers, distribution channels, markets and commercial policy specific to each.
  • Also acquire expertise on billing terms (depending on how the systems work) in accordance with pricing and promotional policies.
  • Master the essential data related to Pepsico's internal procedures (invoicing process, adjustments, provisions, etc.).
  • Billing management:
  • Ensure the daily mailing of paper invoices to our customers in compliance with management rules.
  • Send any document to the customer according to their requests.
  • Monitoring of processes and internal audit rules / Maintenance of procedures
  • Collaboration with outsourced IBM teams on all related activities


  • Advanced Excel
  • SAP
  • Fluency in French
  • Be logical, rigorous
  • Love to work and manipulate numbers
  • Be comfortable with discount calculations
  • Ability to synthesize for reporting
  • Good internal and external interpersonal skills
  • 0 to 1 year of experience in a dispute analyst position
  • Level BEP to BTS in accounting Degreed +2/3
  • Able to investigate issues on his/her own (autonomous)
  • Very agile in calculation and analysis
  • Strong synthesis skills: be able to share numbers in an efficient manner to Sales Team
  • Ability to build a partnership with Sales, with a Control point of view.
  • Time flexibility (more workload on last day of the month, need to stay connected later than other days)

Nous nous efforçons de disposer d'informations fiables concernant chaque emploi. Si nous nous sommes trompés ou si vous avez rencontré des problèmes techniques, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part.

Plus d'emplois en Egypte

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Coordinator - Accounting - French

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Senior Internal Auditor - French Speaker

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

ETIC, Project Manager (French Speaker)- Senior Associate

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Supply Chain Customer Service Assistant Analyst (French Speaker)

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Supply Chain Customer Service Senior Associate (French Speaker)

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

PowerStore Administrator- French

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Digital Insurance Project Manager - French Speaker (Fully Remote)

Egypte, CaireEgypte, Caire

Senior Business Analyst - Insurance, French Speaker (Fully Remote)

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