L'emploi a expiré !

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Date de publication 15.08.2024

Job Description

ECA's mission is to deliver ideas and actions for an empowered and transformed Africa; informed by the 2030 SDGs and Agenda 2063. The mission is guided by ECA's five new strategic directions which are: advancing ECA's position as a premier knowledge institution that builds on its unique position and privilege to bring global solutions to the continent's problems and take local solutions to the continent; developing macroeconomic and structural policy options to accelerate economic diversification and job creation; designing and implementing innovative financing models for infrastructure, and for human, physical and social assets for a transforming Africa; contributing solutions to regional and transboundary challenges, with a focus on peace security and social inclusion as an important development nexus; advocating Africa's position at the global level and developing regional responses as a contribution to global governance issues. The Publications, Conference and Knowledge Management Division is headed by a Director and reports to the Deputy Executive Secretary (Programme Support). It is divided into three main sections: Publications and Conference Management; Information and Communications Technology Services; and Knowledge Management Services. This position is in the Publications, Conference and Knowledge Management Division (PCKMD), Publications and Conference Management Section (PCMS), Editorial and Desktop Publishing Unit (EDPU). The Editorial and Desktop Publishing Assistant (English/French) will work under the general supervision of the Chief of the PCMS and the direct supervision of the Editorial and Desktop Publishing Unit supervisor.:
ECA's mission is to deliver ideas and actions for an empowered and transformed Africa; informed by the 2030 SDGs and Agenda 2063. The mission is guided by ECA's five new strategic directions which are: advancing ECA's position as a premier knowledge institution that builds on its unique position and privilege to bring global solutions to the continent's problems and take local solutions to the continent; developing macroeconomic and structural policy options to accelerate economic diversification and job creation; designing and implementing innovative financing models for infrastructure, and for human, physical and social assets for a transforming Africa; contributing solutions to regional and transboundary challenges, with a focus on peace security and social inclusion as an important development nexus; advocating Africa's position at the global level and developing regional responses as a contribution to global governance issues. The Publications, Conference and Knowledge Management Division is headed by a Director and reports to the Deputy Executive Secretary (Programme Support). It is divided into three main sections: Publications and Conference Management; Information and Communications Technology Services; and Knowledge Management Services. This position is in the Publications, Conference and Knowledge Management Division (PCKMD), Publications and Conference Management Section (PCMS), Editorial and Desktop Publishing Unit (EDPU). The Editorial and Desktop Publishing Assistant (English/French) will work under the general supervision of the Chief of the PCMS and the direct supervision of the Editorial and Desktop Publishing Unit supervisor.

Important Note: To complete your job application, follow these steps:
  1. Fill out the required information for the job on the Dawli platform.
  2. Upon completing your job application, you will be automatically redirected to the United Nations careers website.
  3. Register on the United Nations careers website and complete your job application.

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