L'emploi a expiré !

L'offre d'emploi est expirée

Plus d'emplois en Pays-Bas

Pays-Bas, AmsterdamPays-Bas, Amsterdam

2025 Opportunity Development Summer Intern with French


Store Support Employee French


Voice Artists Job - Fluent Dutch/Japanese/French Canadian Speakers

Pays-Bas, AmsterdamPays-Bas, Amsterdam

Freelancer Product Manager - Wording and UW France (French Native Speaker)

Pays-Bas, HoofddorpPays-Bas, Hoofddorp

Manager on Duty (French Speaking)

Pays-Bas, AmsterdamPays-Bas, Amsterdam

Renewal Manager (Dutch and French Speaking)


Credit Collection Analyst - French Market

Pays-Bas, AmsterdamPays-Bas, Amsterdam

Procurement Manager (French speaker)

Pays-Bas, La Haye (La Haye)Pays-Bas, La Haye (La Haye)

Translator/Reviser (French language)

Lifestyle expert - French Speaking (Freelance)
Pays-Bas, AmsterdamPays-Bas, Amsterdam

Lifestyle expert - French Speaking (Freelance)

Date de publication 01.09.2024

Who we are

At OpenUp, our mission is to make mental well-being accessible to everyone. We support companies, their employees, and employees' families with mental well-being. Our OpenUp platform provides employees and their families with direct access to mental well-being check-ins, online courses, articles, videos, interactive group sessions, mindfulness sessions, and a team of experienced experts. We strive to build high-performing teams that help people develop to their fullest potential. We take pride in raising the bar and achieving the next level.
OpenUp is ranked number 1 on the LinkedIn Top Startups 2023 list and is rapidly growing. We are expanding our international teams and we search for like-minded talent. We are already helping over 1500+ (international) companies and 300.000+ employees, e.g. Rituals, Deloitte, Decathlon, Miele, KPMG, Adyen and McDonalds.

Your job

At OpenUp we are focusing on preventive care, which means that we don't do diagnosis, but we are there for day-to-day struggles. OpenUp is open 6 days a week: for planned video consults and spontaneous consults via video. We guarantee short term availability and accessibility. We believe that minimizes the barriers people experience to work on their mental and physical health because we know that emotions don't do waiting lists. As a lifestyle expert you will work together with your client towards a goal in a set of 25-minute sessions.

You provide preventive consultations in the field of lifestyle. The goal of the consultation is to provide the client with access to a healthy lifestyle and address lifestyle-related complaints. In online conversations, you are challenged to make that goal as specific as possible and to make an impact: what is the first step someone can take today? Your work will consist of consultations with a variety of people and requests for help and possible weekly intervision sessions to support you and your personal and professional development.

On average, you speak to a client for about 3 to 5 sessions to work on a specific request for help. This can vary, so it is also possible for someone to schedule a one-time appointment or, say, 8 appointments to work on a goal, together with you. Besides that, you are invited to contribute to inspiring content, like our online programs, group sessions, articles, or masterclasses.

About you

You are a Lifestyle Expert who wants to join us in improving Mental and Physical well-being in the Netherlands and all across Europe. You thrive in a dynamic and growing work environment.

Next to that:
  • You have a bachelor's or master's degree in a relevant field of applied sciences (HBO equivalent) such as lifestyle medicine, occupational medicine or nutrition.
  • You have knowledge of interventions based on evidence-based lifestyle medicine and the positive health framework
  • You have experience in lifestyle coaching.
  • You have 3+ years of working experience with individuals or groups.
  • You have knowledge of interventions based on evidence-based lifestyle medicine and the positive health framework.
  • You speak 3 languages: French, English and an extra one at working proficiency level.
  • You are a team player, resilient, and have a growth mindset.
  • You're flexible, a real multi-tasker, and get energy from a variety of tasks. For example, you like to give a public presentation for new customers and write articles about lifestyle and well-being.
  • You are concise, solution-oriented, and coaching-focused.
  • The relationship with clients and colleagues forms the center of your work.
  • You start conversations, seek for connection and act decisively.
  • You work solution-focused and you are able to come up with advice for your clients in a short period of time.
  • You act from a 'practice what you preach' perspective. This appears from your expressions and your own reflections, the application of your interventions and your attitude to your clients and colleagues.
  • You are a team-player, but you are also able to work independently. When you find yourself with a good idea or wish to develop yourself: you reach out!

What you get

OpenUp is fast growing and you have the chance to become part of this challenging journey. You are working in a diverse and international environment. Besides the online meetings, you are more than welcome to join the (offline) team building activities such as the summer party or the Christmas celebrations.

Next to that:
  • You get an independent contractor agreement of 2-8 hours per week.
  • You primarily work online, but we are also happy to welcome you at the office!
  • You can work anywhere, anytime with a stable internet connection.
    Keep in mind: we cannot guarantee the number of consultations
  • You have the freedom to decide your own hours.
    Keep in mind: we ask the same availability every week to manage capacity and to offer clients consistency.
  • You work in a team with a variety of expertise like work and organizational psychology, health psychology or lifestyle medicine who join you in a monthly supervision session
  • You work in a value-based environment: we live Open up's values as much as possible

Next steps

Excited about this role at OpenUp? We love to learn more about you. Send us your application (in English) through our website and we will be in touch with you soon. Do you have any questions? You can look at our frequently asked questions. Is it not answering your questions or you have a comment? Please don't hesitate to contact our Talent Acquisition Specialist, Paola.

Paola Garcia - Linkedin

E-mail: [email protected]

At OpenUp, everyone is welcome to apply - regardless of color, age, gender, nationality or any other label. We embrace what makes you unique and we believe that a diverse team is crucial to success. If you are ready to OpenUp, join us!

Our OpenUp and iPractice ventures help people become and stay mentally and physically healthy. We continuously develop our practice and online platform for mental well-being. Users can start directly with various online programs and connect face to face with a psychologist. All programs are evidence-based, result-oriented and short and sweet. Sustainable results come from daily practice and users are supported by an accessible system and network of psychologists. We offer our services all over Europe, in various languages. We help hundreds of people every day and the number of users is growing fast.

Nous nous efforçons de disposer d'informations fiables concernant chaque emploi. Si nous nous sommes trompés ou si vous avez rencontré des problèmes techniques, n'hésitez pas à nous en faire part.

Plus d'emplois en Pays-Bas

Pays-Bas, AmsterdamPays-Bas, Amsterdam

2025 Opportunity Development Summer Intern with French


Store Support Employee French


Voice Artists Job - Fluent Dutch/Japanese/French Canadian Speakers

Pays-Bas, AmsterdamPays-Bas, Amsterdam

Freelancer Product Manager - Wording and UW France (French Native Speaker)

Pays-Bas, HoofddorpPays-Bas, Hoofddorp

Manager on Duty (French Speaking)

Pays-Bas, AmsterdamPays-Bas, Amsterdam

Renewal Manager (Dutch and French Speaking)


Credit Collection Analyst - French Market

Pays-Bas, AmsterdamPays-Bas, Amsterdam

Procurement Manager (French speaker)

Pays-Bas, La Haye (La Haye)Pays-Bas, La Haye (La Haye)

Translator/Reviser (French language)

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1Salle de bains



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1Salle de bains




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